Monthly Archive: March 2011


Checking the Spare Tire

Spare Tire

Many families are preparing for spring trips around this time. Some college students are even preparing for Spring Break excursions. This means more people will be preparing for upcoming road trips with last-minute car washes, fluid checks and other quick tests to ensure automobiles are in excellent condition. When checking the tires, it’s a must …

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‘Penny Test’ Checks Tire Tread

Penny Test

It’s amazing how one cent so important to a car. While it may not sound much, the responsibility of one penny goes far beyond its currency value. The “penny test” is a sure-fire way to determine how much life your current set of tires have remaining. Once considered something of a myth, the penny test …

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For Driveway Leaks, Check the Color

Oil Fluid Leak

A stain on the driveway can be something as significant as dirt on the ground. It also can be something as major as the first sign of complete automobile failure. It is important to know the stains you see leaking from your car and onto your driveway. Most stains and their importance are determined by …

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