


‘Penny Test’ Checks Tire Tread

Penny TestIt’s amazing how one cent so important to a car. While it may not sound much, the responsibility of one penny goes far beyond its currency value.

The “penny test” is a sure-fire way to determine how much life your current set of tires have remaining. Once considered something of a myth, the penny test is one of the most accurate and inexpensive tests you can initiate on your car and its tires.

The test actually determines tread capability. In checking tread depth, a penny is inserted into a tire’s tread groove. Pennies feature the head of Abraham Lincoln, and if the top of Lincoln’s head is showing – where the penny reads “In God We Trust – then that’s a sign that the tread is low. If Lincoln’s head is hidden, your tires are still in comfortable driving condition.

Insufficient tire tread is a reason why many accidents occur on the road. Experts suggest tire tread should not go below 1/16 of an inch. Our Denton TX mechanics can assist you with determining whether or not your tires are either in excellent driving shape or in need of being replaced. It may not be such a bad idea to keep a penny or two around, as well.

Feel free to contact our Denton TX auto shop for more information on our expert tire service. Call us today, or visit us online.

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