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Tire Services in Denton TX

Tire Rotation, Mounting, Balancing & More

tire mounting balancing rotation installation replacement change in denton txProper care of your tires is perhaps the most important aspect of maintenance for your vehicle. Depending on the type of car you drive and the grade of tire you use, you may need to be even more diligent than the average driver when it comes to keeping a close eye on tire performance. Tread and air pressure are two of the main concerns with the integrity of your tires. At Spenser’s Quality Automotive, our tire service technicians can help you assess your tires’ condition and recommend the appropriate services to assure your continued safety on the road.

Tire Pressure

Keeping the correct air pressure in your tires not only enhances handling of the car and helps to prevent accidents. It also increases the life of your tire by decreasing tread wear, and it can be of economic benefit, increasing fuel mileage. If you ride with too little air pressure in your tires, you may be overloading your vehicle.

Routinely checking your tire pressure can help you keep track of the need to add or remove air from the tire. In warm weather, it’s common for tires to lose air at an even higher rate, so checking regularly in the summer is especially important. Impacts and flexes can also diminish air pressure within your tires. Refilling the air in your tires can be just as important and refilling your gas tank. Check the recommended pressure levels for your particular tire brand, size, and grade, and take the time to assure you maintain this pressurization for optimal performance.

Tread Wear

Driving causes wear on the tread of your tires. Depending on the tread pattern and the thickness of the rubber, your tires may wear faster or slower. Rotating your tires at the recommended mileage points can help to assure that your tires wear evenly and ride smoothly until it’s time to replace them. Most tires follow a 6,000 mile rotation recommendation schedule. Remember that the rotation pattern of your tires depends on the tread design. Tires with asymmetric or uni-directional tread cannot be rotated as a typical tire, and some vehicles are equipped with a different size tire on the front than on the back (this is especially true of high-performance sports cars).

To assure you follow proper procedure when rotating your tires, consult with a qualified automotive expert. Our Denton mechanics and car care professionals can also check your car’s alignment, which can be affected by hard impacts and other driving factors. Mis-alignment can cause further uneven wear of tire tread and should be corrected to avoid additional problems with your auto’s smooth driving.

When it’s time for regular maintenance on your tires or to have your tires and/or wheels replaced, contact Spenser’s Quality Automotive in Denton for fast, efficient service. We’ll offer you the best options available and provide complete tire services, including:

  • Pressurization
  • Tread measurement
  • Rotation
  • Alignment
  • Replacement (including mounting and balancing)